You may decide that you wish to remove your account. This means we will remove your information from our system. Some data must be kept under the medical guidelines. Removal of your account usually takes 2 to 3 days.
Please note: We only remove your data from the app. You will remain registered at your GP practice.
Follow the steps below:
- Go to the Quin app. If you don't use the Quin-app because you use the Quin functionalities through the website of your GP you first need to download the Quin app. Then follow the steps below.
- Select ‘Account’ at the bottom of the main screen of the Quin app;
- Select ‘My account details’ and then select ‘Delete account’;
- You will now see which data are removed from the app and which data must be kept according to medical guidelines;
- Select ‘Remove account’ and confirm your choice.
You will now be logged off. Any appointments you made through the app will be cancelled. You can always create a new account.
Which data do we remove?
- Your personal information (first name and last name, gender, date of birth, email address, telephone number and IP address).
- Data you provided in your medical profile (age, height, weight, etc.).
- All health complaints checked by you through the symptom checker (complaints reports).
- All appointments planned earlier (if applicable).
Which data do we not remove?
- Any messages and photographs you shared with your GP practice through ‘Ask a question’. These are part of your medical file and must be kept for 20 years according to the law.